Home / 2004 / Mirror Lake Hike 14
Another hike we took around Mirror Lake We went on a hike up to mirror lake near Mt Hood. It was a pretty hike with lots of nice photo opportunities. We went up with about 8 other people one Sabbath. The hike was fairly long, but the views were worth it. The only thing that sucked was that I was taking some shots of a waterfall at the end and I slipped on a rock and started falling down the falls... but luckily there were some branches that I was able to grab before I fell too far.
- The beginning of the hike was mostly uphill.
- Finally reached the lake
- The name of the lake incarnate
- Our droooly mascott
- Further on up the mountian... (mirror lake at the bottom)
- Friends enjoying sceenary
- More friends
- Interesting rock formation
- rock stack...
- Nice shot of Mt Hood
- Another shot w/ stack
- Making our own... (before it fell)
- water fall..
- Water fall I tried to fall down ;-)